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Hoeveel weet jij van Paranormal Activity?
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Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones BD 3D

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones, het nieuwste deel in de bovennatuurlijke found footage-reeks, is nu verkrijgbaar op blu-ray en dvd. In dit deel krijgen zwarte magie, bijgeloof en bezetenheid een grote rol.

In Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones volgen we Jesse en Hector die na de mysterieuze dood van hun buurvrouw op onderzoek uit gaan. Dit resulteert in een onaangename verrassing voor de twee beste vrienden. Niet lang daarna vinden er allerlei onverklaarbare, beangstigende gebeurtenissen plaats rondom Jesse. Hector, vrienden en familie zetten alles op alles om Jesse te redden van de duistere krachten die bezit van hem hebben genomen. Zal het hen lukken om de Jesse, zoals zij die kennen, weer terug te krijgen?

Paranormal Activity Statistics
Number of Plants That Appear in the Scene: 147
Number of Times the Letter ‘J’ is Used: 82
Number of Paranormal Incidents: 14
Number of Alcoholic Drinks Consumed: 2
Number of Stuffed Bears: 1
Number of Deaths: 1
Number of Knives: 11
Number of Times the Word Ghost is Used: 8
Number of Times the Word Demon is Used: 13
Number of Pictures on the Wall: 18
Number of Pillows on the Bed: 7
Number of Pillows Actually Used: 2
Number of Days Micah Wears the CoinNet Shirt: 3
Number of Pictures on the Refrigerator: 3
Number of Grey Shirts Worn: 7

Paranormal Activity 2 Statistics
Number of Times Hunter Cries: 16
Number of Pets: 1
Number of Paranormal Incidents: 19
Number of Paranormal Incidents That Take Place in the Kitchen: 5
Number of Stuffed Bears: 1
Number of Deaths: 2
Number of Nights Nothing Happens: 2
Number of Times the Word Ghost is Used: 11
Number of Times the Word Demon is Used: 8
Number of Sexual Innuendos: 3
Pieces of Bacon Eaten: 3
Number of Times Abby Wants in the Basement: 2
Number of Times We See the Pool Cleaner: 25
Number of Paranormal Incidents that Involve Abby: 5
Attempted Dog Murders: 1
Number of Toys Moving by Themselves: 1

Paranormal Activity 3 Statistics
Number of Clowns: 1
Number of Times Kristi Talks to Toby: 7
Number of Paranormal Incidents: 18
Number of Times Grandma Lois Says ‘Happy’: 4
Number of Stuffed Bears: 5
Number of Deaths: 2
Number of Illegal Activities: 1
Number of Times the Word Ghost is Used: 8
Number of Lights Swaying: 1
Number of Late Night Snacks: 1
Number of Terrified Babysitters: 2
Number of Sheets Manipulated: 2
Number of 80’s References: 1

Paranormal Activity 4 Statistics
Number of Ninjas: Unknown, they can’t be seen.
Number of Times Ben Asks for a Kit Kat: 2
Number of Pets: 1
Number of Examples of Good Sportsmanship: 1
Number of Unsuccessful Cartwheels: 2
Number of Stuffed Bears: 4
Number of Paranormal Incidents: 15
Number of Times Robbie Talks to Toby: 1
Number of Times Wyatt Talks to Toby: 2
Number of Times the Front Door Opens: 2
Number of Toys that Turn on by Themselves: 1
Number of Nights: 12
Number of Camera Angles: 4
Number of Times the Word Demon is Used: 2
Number of Times Ben is eating: 4
Number of Falling Knives: 1
Number of Invisible Children: 1
Number of Confirmed Deaths: 2
Number of Levitations: 1

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Statistics
Number of Hugs: 5
Number of Pets: 1
Number of Paranormal Incidents: 13
Number of Shots We See Jesse’s Grandmother Take: 1
Number of Dog Dances: 1
Number of Deaths: 9
Number of References to Previous Films: 6
Number of Times the Word Demon is Used: 2
Number of Superhuman Displays: 4
Number of Suicides: 1
Number of Breaking and Enterings: 4
Number of Stuffed Bears: 1
Number of Dogs Tortured: 1
Number of Cars Damaged: 2
Number of Human Heads: 0
Number of Animal Heads: 1
Number of Past Events Altered by Time Travel: 1

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones is nu verkrijgbaar op blu-ray en dvd.

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